January Gardens

Blue Daisy4 January 2024

Whoever said January was a boring month for gardening? Just take a look out of your windows at all the colour, ok it’s not from flowers blooming but look at the evergreens, the bare branches and the different colour barks often covered in frost.

If you’re very lucky (or unlucky depending on your view!) snow will add more interest and if you don’t have a snowfall this month you should still be guaranteed a frost or two! We've had a very mild winter again so far so chances are you will catch sight of a few Spring bulbs popping up to take advantage of the days getting a fraction lighter.

This is a great time of year to begin planning ahead in the comfort of indoors, deciding how you want your private space to look. So get out those seed catalogues or gardening magazines/books and write a list of which seeds (or if seeds feel risky, plants) to buy for the year ahead. You may even decide to buy a greenhouse and erect it ready for sowing your seeds or buy a compost bin and water butt – you can’t start preparing too early!

There are still lots of jobs to be done even on those cold and wintery days - an ideal way to burn off the mince pies and Christmas pud!

January Garden Jobs

This year has (so far) begun unseasonably mild again which means we have the opportunity to get out into our gardens early paving the way for spring. It also means that some plants will be flowering a bit too early so keep your eyes on those tender plants especially as the chances of a cold snap will still exist for the next few months.
See below for a list of jobs that can be done this month.

  • If you plan on sowing seeds early this year – buy the seeds as soon as you can to avoid delivery delays
  • Check the weather forecasts to make sure you protect any tender plants from frost and wind
  • Regularly check any trees you have staked, the wind can often loosen them
  • If you have snow remember to knock it off your hedges and conifers – it can get really heavy and make them bend
  • Remove any weeds that show themselves this month
  • Wipe all the blades on your cutting tools and remember to give them a rub down once a year with wire wool to remove the rust
  • Don’t forget the birds – they rely on you for their food and ice-free water!
  • Buy some plant pot cleaner and make sure all your pots are clean and ready for this year’s use
  • If you plan on sowing seeds outdoors think about covering the soil with cloches (or similar) to get the soil warm and ready for seeds
  • Install waterbutts and compost bins
  • Check any bulbs or tubers that you are storing for signs of rotting
  • Keep borders clear of debris or falling leaves
  • Keep your eyes open for any last leaves that fall, sweep them up and keep for leaf mould
  • Plant bare root roses
  • Clean both the inside and outside of greenhouses and cold frames to get ready for seeds.