May Gardens

Blue Daisy1 May 2024

Hints of summer should be on its way this month with warmer and longer days. With the wet winter we've had everything seems to have exploded - not only the plants but also pests are out with a vengeance. Our May gardens are starting to inject more colour and vibrancy into our outdoor spaces with flowers coming into bloom thick and fast.

Tulips are already up and gracing us with their presence, remember though that there is still a chance of an occasional frost so be ready to cover tender plants. New shoots found on plants like hostas are tender too and will need protection from cold winds and late frosts – have newspapers or fleeces ready and hold them down with large stones over night if the forecast is for cold.

Lawns usually need to be mown twice a week in May and don't forget to cut on a high setting, especially if your grass is damp. Going too short too early will damage your lawn. Take care not to cut the grass where bulbs are flowering too if possible. As soon as the leaves begin to turn yellow and die back that is a sign for you to cut your grass over bulbs. Leaves are a very important source of energy for next year’s bulb displays!

Shelter your hanging baskets in a corner during the day inside or on top of a big pot and put them inside overnight until the threat of frost has gone. Spring flowering containers will usually be starting to fade towards the end of May but some might last into June this year. When they have gone over throw out those annuals and replace them with new plants you have sown yourself or bought elsewhere.

May Garden Jobs

Every month brings with it a list of jobs that need doing in the garden and May is no exception! This is a busy time of year generally. Your garden will benefit from TLC this month to give it the best chance of performing well for you during the summer months. Some May garden jobs for that list of yours…

  • Keep an eye on your watering. Sheltered plants might still need a little extra and if you've been keeping plants back in the greenhouse a little longer than usual they'll need a good regular supply too.
  • Protect tender plants or shoots from frosts and cold winds
  • Keep weeds under control
  • Cut grass as the daffodil or tulip leaves turn yellow and begin to die back
  • Lift tulip bulbs when they're over, store them in a dark and dry place until autumn
  • Prepare supports for climbers
  • Harden off hanging baskets
  • Place straw mulch under strawberries
  • Clear out spring bedding plants
  • Thin out annuals and vegetables already sown outdoors
  • Sow vegetables every few weeks to get a continuous crop later in the year
  • Protect crops from carrot fly
  • Allow plenty of ventilation in the greenhouse
  • Scarify lawns where dead moss is a problem
  • Check for pests and diseases both in the greenhouse and outside
  • Stake or support tall and/or floppy plants
  • Deadhead flowers as needed.