June Gardens

Blue Daisy1 June 2024

blue geraniums typical June flowers in the garden

This is the time we usually get to relax and enjoy our gardens with the first vegetables ready to harvest, flowers in full bloom and long summer nights to appreciate our hard work! We have hurtled into June already enjoying lovely balmy evenings but this month the scent that June is reknowned for should really start taking over.

Make sure that plants in greenhouses, conservatories and windowsills get some good ventilation and shading protection too to make sure they’re not scorched.

It's still not too late to do the 'Chelsea chop' on parts of some of your late flowering perennials - doing this will help stagger and prolong their flowering period. Early flowering perennials like geraniums can also benefit from the Chelsea chop they'll reward you with a second flush of flowers later in the summer.

Try to keep up good garden hygiene by deadheading when you can. And slugs, snails, aphids, greenfly and blackfly, to name but a few, are really active at this time of year so keep your eyes open and deal with them at the first signs of activity which normally works in most cases.

Although it would be lovely to say you have nothing to do now, it’s not true; there are still lots of routine jobs that need doing to keep your garden looking vibrant.

June Garden Jobs

June is a prolific time in our gardens and while it's usually a great time to break out that well deserved drink to help us savour the warm, scented evenings there are also lots and lots of jobs to be getting on with this month.

Just in case you're not sure where to begin, here's a list to get you started:

  • Deadhead flowers to maintain displays and encourage more growth
  • Hoe borders to discourage weed growth and competing with plants for water
  • Tie climbers to trellises or canes to get the benefit from the display and to support during growth
  • Keep a look out for pests and diseases and start to treat at the first signs of activity
  • Water borders and lawns thoroughly every few days which is better than a little every day - the soil is drying out quickly and if you have clay it's already cracking in some places…
  • Check containers and hanging baskets daily to see if they need watering - rain doesn't always get into your containers so keep an eye on them just in case
  • Make sure that there is plenty of ventilation in greenhouses and conservatories
  • Lift and fully dry spring flowering bulbs and store away
  • Lift your mower's cutting blades - the dryer the weather the higher the cutting blades should be
  • Remove any suckers found on roses as soon as they appear
  • Plant bedding plants and/or annuals grown from seed or buy from garden centres to fill any gaps or for an additional splash of colour
  • Give lawns a good feed
  • Plant up some containers for that late summer spectacular
  • Time to think about planting seeds for winter and next spring displays
  • Harvest vegetables as and when they are ready to be lifted.