Monty is Back!

Yes, that’s right Monty Don is set to return to Gardeners' World next year!  I have to say that I am pleased but at the same time I feel for Toby Buckland, I didn’t really like the changes to the format of the show in Toby's first year but I have grown to like him.  

I know there are plenty of experienced gardeners out there who feel the show has been ‘dumbed down’ and the message boards are saying the same.  However, if you think about it the BBC gave Toby the new job and, I would imagine, along with it a brief of what they wanted from him, including the feel of the show and their new targeted audience.  So I can’t help but feel that Toby is getting the raw end of the deal here as many reports are saying he and Alice have been 'dumped'.  In business in general the employer would have to take some responsibility for the employee not performing to the standards that they set.  I would have more respect for the BBC if they just said “we got it wrong” instead of seemingly brushing Toby and his career aside to make way for Monty's return.

Don’t get me wrong Monty really inspires me (as does Carol Klein) so for me this will be great viewing.  However, surely the BBC must learn from this that there is quite clearly a market for gardening programmes for every skill level.  A few years ago every time you switched the TV on there was a gardening programme or a garden makeover programme on.  

So, BBC – take some responsibility, don’t write Toby and Alice off, instead provide more programmes to suit a wider audience!